Can External hemorrhoids go away on their own?
- Be Healthy
Today’s question is “Can my external hemorrhoids go away on their own?” This is a very frequently asked question. I am glad we are getting to it. Many people have been commenting on this question.
The quick answer
So the answer to the question is yes and no. Another way to answer that is it depends.
I know I frustrate many of you by my complex answers but that’s real life.
I want to give you accurate information and not give you garbage.
The detailed answer
Cases where your hemorrhoids can go away by themselves
So why can they go away on their own ? The reason is mainly because your [[how-did-you-get-rid-of-hemorrhoids-grade-2|hemorrhoids]] were not that big to begin with. You didn’t really notice them before but now they flared up. They are swollen and then the immune system comes in and heals and repairs the damage.
Then the swelling goes from big and gets better and better and better naturally.
But you will probably put on some creams from amazon and all these things. And you will read comments like
“oh yeah that cream from amazon that was the bomb that was great because my hemorrhoids went away”
But I will tell you that most likely they probably would have done it all by themselves anyway.
So the hemorrhoids shrunk back down they were now pretty much the same size of what they originally see. Your flare may not have been that big and you feel like you accomplished the unnatural.
But I will tell you each time you cause a flare in your hemorrhoids they will slightly get bigger each time.
If you want to protect them and preserve them, look into your habits. Manage to get the soft stools and doing the right things.
Cases where your hemorrhoids won’t go away
Now, let’s see what are situations where they will not go away.
Well the biggest difference here again is what you started out with.
If you had bigger external hemorrhoids like bigger skin tags on the outside kind of like the petals on a flower right. You can kind of pinch them and wiggle them around those are your external hemorrhoids on the outside.
If you have pissed them off and they flared up you stand in the toilet they just ballooned up. Most of the time your immune system will be there to help.
Other times it is just because the blood flow in them is very great but either way once your body kind of settles things out it heals them or the blood returns and shrinks them down. They are going to go back to what they used to be or a little bit larger if you had a flare. In that situation your hemorrhoids do not start disappearing on you. They can’t once they are there, they are there. And once they keep growing and developing because of each flare-up, they are going to keep getting bigger on you.
No matter what size your hemorrhoids are, you want preserve what you have. The reason is if you think your life is bad now they can get worse. Unfortunately, that is the key that you need to understand: they can get worse.
If you are able to go to work with some inconvenience, you are able to do your hobbies with some inconvenience, if you don’t take care of your hemorrhoids, they will get worse.
It’s imperative that you take this warning and try to adjust your lifestyle.
The key takeway
The key takeaway from this is your hemorrhoids can get worse is you don’t watch and improve your life style.
Each time they flare up, they get a little bigger. Don’t play with them to trigger the flare ups. Change you life style to get soft stools.